
Mr. Jorge Fonseca Fonseca. Vice President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
Mr. Eduardo Cruickshank Smith. President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
Mr. Geovanni Vasquez Vega. President of Giovanni Vasquez Foundation
On 09 July 2020, the Geovanni Vasquez Foundation launched an advertising campaign at national and international level, in which all possible efforts were made to consolidate the past, present and future struggle against racism.
We saw excellent results and in the interest of society in general, the non-profit Foundation made the decision to maintain this campaign until December 2020 with the aim of reinforcing and achieving greater help in the social community. Recently, on 07 October 2020, we put up new billboards at the Goal Project facilities, located in San Rafael de Alajuela in front of Radial Santa Ana – Belen, this time with a graphic proposal that links the world of soccer, the number one sport in Costa Rica where racist manifestations have caused a clear cut in different human beings.

Mr. Julian Solano Porras. – President of the UNAFUT.
Mr. Geovanni Vasquez Vega. – President of Giovanni Vasquez Foundation
Campaing of “Not to Racism”, on Proyecto Goal Facilities, San Rafael of Alajuela.
The non-profit Foundation has considered it important to express our gratitude for the corresponding support, in relation to our campaign named “No to Racism” to the following people and companies:
- Mr. Eduardo Cruickshank Smith. – President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica.
- Mr. Jorge Fonseca Fonseca. – Vice President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica.
- Mr. Julian Solano Porras. – President of UNAFUT
- Exodus advertising agency
- Publiex Corporate Group
- Construction company ENSA