
United for Road Safety: National Campaign in Tárcoles, Jacó, Puntarenas

The Geovanni Vasquez Foundation continues it commitment to the fight for road safety, working tirelessly to reduce the tragic deaths on the roads of our country. In this context, last September 21, 2024 in the areas of Tárcoles, Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, an event of great transcendence took place that seeks to generate a deep reflection in all Costa Ricans. This meeting highlights the urgent need to assume collective and individual responsibilities to reduce human losses caused by traffic accidents.

According to the Road Safety Council (COSEVI), in 2023 there were 517 deaths on Costa Rican roads, because of factors such as alcohol consumption, the use of psychotropic substances, improper overtaking, cell phone use, and speeding. These factors represent a constant threat to the lives of our citizens, demanding a firm and coordinated action to reverse this alarming situation.

If Costa Ricans join efforts and encourage respect for road regulations, avoiding reckless behavior that endangers our integrity and that of others -whether physically, emotionally or economically-, we will be contributing to a more just and balanced society. It is essential that we always keep in mind our shared responsibility, which will allow us to leave a legacy of safety and awareness for future generations.

Saving lives is our great mission!