
November 2021
For the third consecutive year, the Geovanni Vásquez Foundation launched a campaign against prostate cancer in Costa Rica using out of home billboards on national high traffic routes. The purpose of this campaign is to continue building awareness around the disease, the importance of early detection and providing Costa Ricans resources & information about the disease.
Prostate cancer is the most common and the second most deadly cancer for Costa Rican men. According to the Surveillance Directorate of the Health Ministry of Costa Rica and the Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), last year 8 ticos died every week as a cause of this disease. A 15% increase compared to the deaths recorded in 2020.

Most cases of deaths were due to the late detection and an irreversible development of the disease.
Making Early detection key to combat Prostate cancer.
There are three necessary components to it: a blood test where the level of prostate antigen is analyzed, an ultrasound and a physical exam. It is recommended that men get annual check-ups once they turn 40 years old.
The biggest barrier to getting a checkup is the physical exam, yet it is the most important one because it examines the dimensions of the prostate and checks for any abnormality. So, what does this test consist of? The doctor inserts his finger, while using gloves and lubricant, through the man’s anal orifice and rectal wall to feel the prostate.Las primeras dos son algo que no parece incomodar a los pacientes, pero latercera sí. Sin embargo, este examen físico es vital para detectar lasdimensiones de la próstata y revisar si hay anomalías en ella. El tamaño de unapróstata sana es similar al de una nuez.
Although men know the importance of this test, there is a major taboo around it. Elevating the importance of awareness of early prevention and breaking this negative social constraint.

November 2021
The creation and success of this campaign was achieved thanks to the support and contributions of the following people and companies:
- Mr. Jean Franco Vásquez Guzmán
- Corporate Group Publiex
- Publiex Exodus Advertising