All of society, private companies, foundations, state institutions, we must generate every day as many actions as humanly possible in the constant fight against Breast Cancer. In this November 2022, THE GEOVANNI VÁSQUEZ FOUNDATION joined these efforts, generating an outdoor advertising campaign in different geographical areas of Costa Rica that, together with those made by other people, we will be making the population aware of the responsibility we have as individuals in the permanent fight against breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Breast cancer causes more disability and life years lost in women than any other cancer. The burden of disease posed by breast cancer is disproportionately higher in developing countries, where most breast cancer deaths occur prematurely, in women under 70 years of age.
The prognosis after a breast cancer diagnosis has improved dramatically in high-income countries, which have seen a 40% decrease in breast cancer mortality (age-standardized) between 1980 and 2020, following the introduction of programs early detection and standardized treatment protocols. Early detection and access to effective treatment remain a challenge for countries with limited resources, despite proven and cost-effective interventions. Substantial improvements in overall breast cancer control can be achieved by implementing what we already know works.